3 Jan 2014

Technology project ideas for Aam Aadmi Party to consider

Some industries and sectors of governance where disruption is overdue in India:

1. Energy / grid / solar :
Legislation to mandate utilities to purchase electricity from consumers who have excess from solar installations.
Policies to encourage people setting up solar farms.
ISRO has a vast collection of skilled scientists with huge successes and proven integrity  - and ISRO knows how to use solar energy. Ask ISRO to make solar farm installations for offices and small businesses so that Govt electricity can go to those who need it - poor people who cannot afford solar installations.

2. Transportation
Electric grid needed - We can sub-license / partner with Tesla Motors and petition Tata, Mahindra, Birla, Anil and Mukesh Ambani (political science analysts and manipulation experts please tell us how to convince them ! ) to get electric cars in India. We need a nation-wide car charger network.

Bicycles on rent is a real possibility with GPS trackers on the rented bicycles. Initial theft and robbery stage will pass when people find that purchasing RFID-tagged parts cannot be used other bicycles.

Principle: Never RFID people or people ID cards, always RFID devices / parts only.

Then what remains is to crack down on the RFID jammer black market.
RFID jammer shops which are legal need not worry about this.

Declare the Bicycle to be the National Machine, like peacock is the national bird and tiger is the national animal. We are a technologically advanced civilisation since ancient times, we must have a national machine. It must be taught as such in schools - the next generation then knows the importance of clean transport.

3. Communications :
Wireless internet is poor quality. AB Vajpayee's Sankhya Vahini project was shelved for political reasons. This should not happen. We need a nation-wide cheap optical fibre WAN, which is cheaper than internet access.

India needs more computer server / hosting infrastructure

More public utility supercomputers - we have just 12 in the top 500. 
People with less money to spare are forced to choose American web hosting for Indian sites viewed by Indian users. This is ridiculous. 
Google India might help with their balloon internet system

It is also possible to build closed automated datacenters without an office attached - like ATMs - however, this needs electricity assurance - generators, security and disaster planning.

There is too much US Govt and NSA spying going on as exposed by Edward Snowden and we do not want our nation's economy to be openly read and manipulated by NSA sitting in USA. 

Mandate by law the investigation and removal of any tapping by foreign agencies. Domestic agency tapping is a touchy subject as terrorism is an actual problem, which until it is solved, it will not be easy to prevent tapping. 

However any tapping must be with court orders, not random or blanket like in the case of NSA. What happened to EVM researcher Hari Prasad must never happen again.

4. True distributed e-Governance:

Indian National Problem Solving System

Get engineers and scientists to solve nation's problems. 

Let IAS officers be the implementers, not the solution designers

Make a Question-and-Answer site like askubuntu.com for everything related to governance. 
People can ask questions, provide answers, vote on answers (no downvotes), set filtering at 5 instead of 0 or 1 by default when you find too much spam. Downvotes prevent newcomers from participating - chilling effect.

5. Participatory governance and reform

Multiple web portals with same format:

Google Earth + maps + 547 constituencies
Individual citizens as users with mobile + email id

Basically get the whole country online, so to speak, so that anyone can sit on the computer anywhere in the country and help fix the issues of any constituency. Remove the distance barrier. There are lot of people with solutions and lot of people with problems, but these 2 groups do not meet. This platform should enable them to meet and coordinate work and reform easily.
This is true open e-governance.

1. planttrees.in -  This is obvious. Climate change can only be arrested by reforestation without incurring other harmful side-effects. Track each tree or group of trees that you sponsor from your home. 

2. buildwatertable.in - Constituency-wise, village-level water-conservation effort planning, tracking and implementation - copy Anna Hazare's Ralegan Siddhi model over all of India's drought affected villages.

3. farmerdirect.in - direct sales from farmer to consumer - courier / post, no middleman trucks - resurrection of postal department and super business for couriers. 
Expect violence from trucker and middlemen lobby - start small disrupt and then the trucker industry - firs they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

4. ruralwomensrights.in - identify trouble areas where women are mistreated and publicise the atrocities, and form citizen action committees locally or at state level who can take action against repeat offenders against women, even if it is eve-teasing. Eve-teasing is harassment and intimidation.

5. Each One Teach One - teachindia.in - free online teaching for volunteers from the city to teach volunteers in the villages one-to-one. Then the those rural volunteers teach the local children and youth. This need not be science and maths only, this can be vocational skill education and agriculture-related of small-scale industry related education so that nobody needs to leave their villages and farms and migrate to cities to live in decades of slavery to the urban upper class.
NPTEL is already doing a very good job of this for higher education via Youtube and Gyandarshan and UGC Countrywide classroom.

6. ... And many dozens of issues that I am not personally aware of.

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